Sorts FAQ for GraspDATA

This article contains frequently asked questions about using Sorts in GraspDATA reporting.

  1. There is no character limit length of the data Grasp receives, but pdf reports may not display the entire length of data, depending on character limitations in the report.  There is no limit, displayed in Excel Data Only reports.
  2. Sorts are set up in the Corporation profile via the Settings tab. Click Here to access our page with the steps to Create or Edit a Corporation.
  3. Sorts need to be set up the same across all corporations, for report data to be consistent.  This is especially important if an account is included in multiple corporation profiles – the sorts must be set up the same.  Please run report 16385 – Grasp Account to Corporation Assignments to determine the account, corporation, and sort assignments that need to be updated.  (NOTE: the report # may be different on your server, so search by report name).  After sorts are updated/added in a corporation profile, a sync needs to occur before that data will be updated in reports.
  4. Reports that include a Sort number, in the name of the report, will display the data for the sort(s) as defined in the Corporation profile.  
    1. ‘By’, indicates the report is grouped by that sort.  
    2. ‘With’, indicates the report includes the sort data within the report.
  5. We have several reports that allow the user to designate which sort, from the Corporation profile, to include in the report. Click Here to access our ‘Variable Sort Field Reports Feature’ page.
  6. Changes to Sorts made in the back office, require a sync before the changes will be reflected in Grasp reports.  This is completed during our normal nightly sync.  If the updated sort data is needed sooner, please email and request a sort sync.
  7. When running reports and exporting as Excel Data Only, the sort label names need to be different than the column header names in the report. Excel Data Only does not allow the same field name to populate multiple times and the report will fail if the sort label name is not unique from the report column name.
  8. When running a report and using a Data Filter on the Filters tab, the ‘Sort’ filters allow you to select multiple results to be included in the report.