Batch Detail Report

This report lists all batches for all users of the agency. It shows each report under the batch and IF the distribution is turned ON, shows the email information

In order to determine what login a batch was set up under, an Agency Admin can run report #930 – Batch Detail Report.  (Please note if you are on a dedicated server the report # may be different, but the name is the same.)  This report is one of our very favorites!  It shows, by login, what scheduled batches are set up and which reports are in those batches.  It shows additional details about the batch and also includes information about the distribution - which email address(s) the batch is set up to email.


Once you determine the user login where the batch is being run, that user can edit the distribution and/or scheduling of the batch if needed.  To do that, the user will go to Reports, Schedules, and then click the envelope icon under the Options column.  Scroll down a little to see the recipients.  To remove a recipient click on their name and then click the back arrow to move them under the All Recipients area.  To add a recipient click on their name under All Recipients and click the arrow to move them under Selected Recipients.  You also do either of these steps by dragging and dropping the items. The user, where the batch is set up, can also change the batch scheduling by clicking the wrench icon and edit the batch by clicking the pencil icon.  


Here are links to some of our pages and training videos about scheduling, distribution, editing and deleting batches.  Search for the keyword Batch, will display additional pages of information on topics for working with scheduled batches.  Click any of the below to go to our page on these specific items.

Scheduling and Distribution of Scheduled Batches
Scheduling and Distribution of a Scheduled Batch Video (7:10)

Editing a Scheduled Batch Video (3:46)

Expire or Delete a Schedule Batch Steps
Expire or Delete a Scheduled Batch Video (1:39)